How to Remove Stains From Toilet Seat | Expert Guidelines

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Have you ever been embarrassed by the discolored toilet seat? The toilet is one of the most usable but private parts of your house. Despite cleaning the toilet frequently, surprisingly, you can find some unpleasant stains on the toilet seat.
In this situation, you have given all of the effort to keep the toilet clean and gone away. The considerable amount that you have already spent on cleaning the toilet may become useless.
There can be dirty stains on your toilet seat for various reasons, and there are also several ways to remove these stains. If you have kids aged under 13, then it may be more challenging to keep stain-free on your toilet. But do not worry at all; here are a few very simple methods for effectively removing stains from the toilet seat.
How to remove blue stains from a toilet seat (Harpic stains)
Toilet seats turning yellow is one of the common problems, but have you ever found your toilet seat stained blue? Obviously yes. Whenever we discuss cleaning the toilet, many people asked us ‘how to remove Harpic stain from the toilet seat or the blue stain from the toilet seat and lid.’
Harpic is a top-rated cleaning product, and it is often used also. But do you know that you should be extremely careful to avoid mixing it up with other cleaning chemicals?
However, many popular toilet cleaners like Harpic leave a blueish stain on the toilet seat and lid. By following a few very easy steps, you can delete these blue stains completely.
The cleaning products you may need
- Water
- Scrub brush or sponge
- Paper towel
- Soap
- Cleaner (Pick any suitable one)
1. Rubbing alcohol
2. Chlorine bleach
3. Oxygen bleach
4. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Steps for removing blue stains from a toilet seat (Harpic stains)
Step one
Rinse the toilet thoroughly with water. You need to remove all of the previously used cleaners you have already used to remove left-behind dye stains so that they cannot mix with any other cleaning solution and make a toxic reaction.
Step two
Rubbing alcohol is a useful element for removing any kind of dye stains, including Harpic and hair dye, from almost all surfaces. Take a cloth or paper towel and soak it with the alcohol. Now lay it on the surface covering the stain and allow it to sit for a few minutes.
Use a sponge or scrub brush and scrub the stain. Repeat the whole process at the necessary time you will need to remove all blue stains.
Step three
If you can collect oxygen bleach, this will be great for removing blue stains. You will find both liquid and powder forms of oxygen bleach in the market. Mix some water with both forms and scrub the stain with it until the color remove.
Step four
If you find the stain is too tough to remove with previous cleaners, then you can take help from Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Just wet the eraser and start scrubbing the stain. Wash out the toilet seat with soapy water to remove the cleaner with stains.
Step five
Do all of the above-listed processes not work on the blue stain? Don’t worry; we have more solutions for your stained toilet seat. Try to collect chlorine bleach for the white seat.
Be careful to rinse off all cleaners, especially if you have already used Mr. Clean Magic Eraser or any other cleaner; otherwise, the mix-up can create a toxic gas.
Mix bleach with an equal part of water and pour it on the stain. If the stain is on the side of the edge of the toilet seat, take a paper towel and soak it in the solution, then cover the stain. Wait for a few minutes to sit the bleach properly and wipe it off.
Repeat the process until the stain removes completely. Now wash the seat with soapy water.
How to remove hair dye stains from toilet seat
Dyeing hair is a passion for some to give their hair a new look. Apart from achieving the right hair color, sometimes the best master plan for hair dyeing can become a mess.
You may eventually face droplets of your hair dye on a bathtub, washbasin, bathroom carpet, or even on the toilet seat while doing the process.
So, how can you remove hair dye stains from the toilet seat? Here we are sharing a few proven methods you can execute.
The cleaning products you may need
- Water
- Scrub brush or sponge
- Paper towel
- Soap
- Cleaner (Pick any suitable one)
1. Washing-up liquid
2. Vinegar and baking soda
3. Bleach
4. Nail Varnish Remover
5. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser
Steps for removing hair dye stains from toilet seat
Steps one
First off, you are to go through a simple cleaning method to remove anything ever used on the toilet seat to remove dye stains. Do it thoroughly with water so that the surface washes off clearly.
Step two
The next step to follow is washing up liquid; with this technique, you’ll have the least hard work to do. Washing-up liquid is a mixed form of soap or detergent powder, and it is regularly used in the kitchen to remove food stains.
Though dye and food are entirely different sectors, the washing-up liquid can loosen up the toilet seat’s dye. Repeat it a few times, then rinse with clear water.
Note: This process is suitable when the dye stain is new and fresh.
Step three
Vinegar pays off when it comes to removing dye stains in the bathroom, and adding baking soda with vinegar can break down the dye in a matter of seconds.
Mix the vinegar and baking soda altogether, then take a cloth to apply the mixture softly to the hair dye stain. When it is correctly applied, rinse the stain with a bucket of warm water.
Step four
You can count on bleach, too, if you have it in your store. Bleach is a fast and helpful ingredient to eliminate stains, specifically on non-porous areas, such as the toilet, bath, and basin. Measure water and bleach equally, then mix it up gently.
After applying the mixture to the surface, wait for 10-15 minutes. Then, rinse the stain thoroughly with clean water.
Note: While using bleach, ensure you have gloves on your hand and windows opened to let the fumes go out.
Step five
A nail varnish remover will pay off your work to remove the stains, albeit some removers may include dye and staining. Make sure you have the right one to clean, or else if you don’t have a proper idea, then you may test the removal in a little area.
Step six
The four different ways mentioned are things that can generally be found in your home, yet you can likewise buy explicit cleaning items to help eliminate hair dye stains. For instance, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser is useful to eradicate intense stains by adhering to the cleaner’s simple guidelines.
How to remove bleach stains from toilet seat
Bleach can quickly stain your cloth, materials, and even bathroom stuff. Unfortunately, you cannot resist using it as it is a regularly used household product. But, bleach has some side effects, too; if it sticks on something, you may feel the stain permanent.
We usually find a common question from people: “how to remove bleach stains from a toilet seat.” Here are a few easy steps to get rid of bleach stains.
The cleaning products you may need
- Water
- Scrub brush or sponge
- Soap
- Cleaner (Pick any suitable one)
1. Clear alcohol
2. Dishwasher detergent
3. White vinegar
4. Barkeeper’s Friend
Steps to remove bleach stains from toilet seat
Step one
The first and foremost step is to rinse the toilet seat fully with cold water in order to delete the bleach stain. For avoiding the chances of mixing clear alcohol with bleach, keep rinsing until the bleach’s smell disappears.
Once the toilet seat is ready, apply the clear alcohol with a sponge or brush in small steps. When the alcohol dries out, wash the seat generally with water, in case any chemical is left.
Step two
By mixing liquid dishwasher detergent with some water, you can treat the bleach stains perfectly. With the dishwasher detergent mixture, it becomes easy to neutralize bleach stains off the surface. But, you must take equal parts of water and detergent to have the exact solution.
Then, use a white cloth dipped into the solution. Rub the surface, and in a matter of a moment, the toilet seat will be bleach-free.
Step three
White vinegar is the right element to escape bleach stains. Mix the white vinegar with water, then apply it naturally with a clean cloth. Follow the same way as dishwasher detergent solution, but an important thing to remember, the mixture should be in exact measurements.
Step four
Barkeeper’s friend is another solution to introduce here. It’s worth the shot to take off bleach stains. Sometimes it can be applied directly applied or mixed with water. It’ll take around 5-10 mins to apply, then scrub gently with a sponge. Soon the bleach stain will vanish.
How to remove old fake tan stains from toilet seat
Have you ever faced fake tan stains on your toilet seat? Old fake tan stains can be too irritating as they bring a yellowish or brownish look to your toilet seat. They can be the outcome of hard water, urine, self-tanner, etc.
Let’s check out a few ideal steps to clean old fake tan stains.
The cleaning products you may need
- Water
- Scrub brush or sponge
- Paper towel
- Soap
- Cleaner (Pick any suitable one)
1. Bleach
2. White vinegar
3. Lemon juice
Steps to remove old fake tan stains from toilet seat
Step one
Before you get into the main part, you must ensure your toilet seat is free from all kinds of earlier used chemicals. Rinse the seat properly with water for a while; then, you’re ready.
Step two
Bleach is a great sanitizer to use. For cleaning the fake tan stains, take ¼ of bleach into a cup and pour it into the toilet seat and elsewhere you need. Then, add 1/3 of the bleach to a bucket with filled water to create a solution.
When it’s ready, pour the whole solution into the toilet seat and keep it steady for 10-15 minutes. After that, rub the seat with a sponge or toilet brush. Repeat this process until the stains have vanished fully. Lastly, rinse the seat normally with water.
Step three
White vinegar has some organic ingredients that easily remove harder stains. With the help of a single paper towel and a bottle of white vinegar can lift your job. Pour white vinegar onto the paper towel until it’s fully damp enough.
Then, cover the full toilet seat with a paper towel and leave it for 1 to 2 hours. When the time ends, scrub the area with a toilet brush or sponge. If you feel the need for more vinegar to use, you can but in a little amount. Finally, clean the toilet with a new damp cloth.
Step four
If you are a lover of natural processes and you don’t have white vinegar and bleach near you, you can use lemon juice for the cleaning process. It’s pretty simple and easy stuff. Take a few lemons, and squeeze their juice into a bowl.
When your juice is made, use a paper towel and dip it into that lemon juice. Then, apply it simply to the stains and rub for a while. You’ll see the stains getting off quickly.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
How do I get my toilet seat white again?
You can use baking soda and vinegar together to make your toilet look like a new one. Both work as effective cleaners to remove any sort of stains from the toilet. Adding warm water to the method will enhance its effectiveness.
What causes brown stains on a toilet seat?
The iron and manganese in the water can cause brown stains on your toilet seat and bowl. However, you can use a household substance like vinegar to clean the stain within the shortest possible time. Also, bleach works as a great fighter against such stains.
Why did my toilet seat turn yellow?
Urine build-up and irregular cleaning can cause the toilet seat to turn yellow. This mainly happens when you leave untreated urine in there for too long. Also, the iron and manganese in the water can cause the stain.
How do I get brown stains off my plastic toilet seat?
If you have a plastic toilet seat, then mixing baking soda with warm water can do the trick to remove the stain. You have to make the paste using these two ingredients and let it sit for 20 minutes. Afterward, use a brush to clean it all off.
Wrapping up
Removing stains from the toilet seat and making it sparkling is not an easy or simple job. There are lots of cleaners available in the market, and they claim outstanding results in removing various types of stains like blue stains, dye stains, bleach stains, and fake tan stains.
Whatever their performance is, you need to be very careful applying them to the toilet seat to avoid any damage.
We hope our above-listed cleaning methods will work on your stained toilet seat and give you a satisfactory result. Share your experience of following the above-listed methods and your better ideas (if you have any) with us.
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