Best Way To Clean Blinds Without Taking Them Down

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When you attempt to clean your house, the blinds become a big concern. Agree with us that taking the blinds down for cleaning every time is very problematic and seems like a lot of work to do. Don’t be hopeless, just not yet, it’s not necessary to take off the blinds to clean. Yes, you heard it right!
So, today, we brought the best way to clean blinds without taking them down. Along with the best method, we will also share some other ways that will make your task easier. You can follow any of the given ways as you like to, we have personalized the first one as the best one because of its effectiveness.
Further on, we will also share additional information in this regard. Our plan of action will work for every kind of blind. Alongside horizontal and regular blinds, we will add the specified ways for cleaning fabric blinds as well. So keep on reading and get to know everything!
What Is The Best Way To Clean Blinds Without Taking Them Down?
There are several ways of cleaning the blinds without taking them down. As we promised to share the best method at first, let’s get to know about that as the foremost job. Later on, we will move on to other ways as well.
Here for your convenience, we will share the solutions according to the type of your blind. So for a quick view, directly move on to the type of blind that you have!
Caution: Any of the cleaning methods depends on the type of your blinds. So please consider checking the manufacturer’s advice before applying any of the methods. Otherwise neither the blinds will be cleaned nor your blinds will remain good.
Initial Duties For Any Of The Blinds:
Get to reality, blinds are not that easy to clean. So for cleaning them without taking them off of your window, you need to open them up at first. Now clean the extra dust away as much as you can with a cloth, preferably a blind cleaner tool.
Next, take a vacuum cleaner and hold that at a position from where it can easily pull all the dust and dirt. Stop once you think no dirt can be cleaned by the vacuum. Once the dry specks of dust are cleaned up, your next task will be much easier to go along with.
1. Best Way To Clean Aluminum Or Vinyl Or Faux Wood Blinds
Method- 1: The Best One As Promised
If you have either aluminum or vinyl or faux wood then go forward with making a mixture of liquid dish soap and water. Just take a cloth and wipe the blinds with the cloth dipped into the mixture. Lastly, take a dry cloth and again wipe the blinds to dry those off.
Method- 2: Using Lemon Drops And Baking Soda!
All kinds of dirt and grime just disappear when they are dealt with lemon drops. In the case of blinds, lemon drops won’t work alone. Consider using baking soda along with lemon drops. But do not use these individually. You have to make a mixture of these two and place the mixture in a spray bottle.
Now spray the mixture to the blinds, let that sit on the blinds for a while, gently rub the blinds with a harsh cloth or scrubber lastly wipe the blinds with a dry cloth.
Caution: Do this procedure if you got aluminum, vinyl, or faux wood not with fabric. If you got fabric blinds, later we will share the cleaning ways for that as well. This mixture will ruin the fabric and damage your blinds. Also, as wood blinds aren’t capable of dealing with waterworks, you can’t use that method with wood blinds.
Method- 3: Rubbing Alcohol Will Go A Long Way In Cleaning
If you have aluminum or faux wood or vinyl blinds, replace vinegar with rubbing alcohol, dip a scrubber into the rubbing alcohol and start scrubbing the blinds until you get your kind of clean blinds. Lastly, wipe the blinds with a dry cloth and you will be all done with your blind cleaning.
2. Best Way To Clean Wooden Blinds Without Taking Them Down
Solution-1: Vacuum And Dry Cloth Will Work
If your window blinds are made of wood then don’t use water or any kind of soap. Just vacuum the blinds and make the extra dirt go away. Lastly, you can wipe or clean the blinds with a dry cloth only. Don’t use water cause it can damage your wooden blinds and create discoloration.
Solution-2: Vinegar Will Impress You
The most available substance in your home can effectively clean your wooden blinds. White vinegar is a supreme cleaner for wooden blinds. So just pour some white vinegar into a cotton cloth and wipe the blinds out thoroughly. Afterward, let the blinds dry in natural air or turn on the fan. This will be a harmless attempt for your wooden blinds.
Solution-3: Dry Feather Or Soft Cloth
Wooden blinds are very sensitive so even a little mismatch in the cleaning can ruin the blinds. However, the good news is as sensitive as these blinds are, they are easy to clean as well. You can clean the blinds using dry feathers and soft cotton clothes. Wipe each and every area thoroughly and you will get rid of the specks of dust.
Pro tips: If you clean out the dust regularly from your wooden blinds using feather cleaners, you will be saved from the hassle of cleaning the blinds when they are extremely dirty. Extreme dirt in wooden blinds can be a big hassle to deal with.
3. Best Way To Clean Fabric Blinds Without Taking Them Down
As you already know, cleaning blinds don’t belong to an easy cup, especially when you don’t want to take those off. Many of us don’t seem to find any right way to clean blinds. Moreover, if you got fabric blinds then you might worry more because fabric blinds get dirty quicker.
So now we are going to be a little more specific and here’s the thought of showing some genuine paths which will lead you to your clean and shiny fabric blinds again!
Way-1: Dish Liquid Gonna Help You!
Yes, you caught right! You can clean your fabric blinds with dish liquid. Dish liquid is the most effective solution for cleaning fabric blinds which works magically! However, you have to get a bucket filled with warm water as much as you need and mix the dish liquid.
Then take a cloth, dip that into the water and give a good rub to your blinds. Once you are done with rubbing and cleaning the blinds get a hairdryer and dry the blinds as soon as possible.
Way-2: Vinegar Plus Baking Soda Makes A Good Bonding
Vinegar and baking soda are pretty helpful for cleaning germs and dirt. They work with soft stains as well. All you have to do is place ¼ cup of vinegar and one tablespoon of baking soda in a spray bottle, shake and mix them well and spray them all over your blinds. Let the solution sit for a while then spray some water. Again dry your blinds with a hairdryer.
Instead of vinegar, you can use lemon drops. Even though lemon drops clean faster but the lemon drops may harm your fabric blinds if you let them sit for longer. Moreover, many fabrics are not compatible with lemon drops. So it’s better to avoid lemon drops if you have vinegar.
Way-3: Try The Professional Method
At hotels and professional places they follow a way of cleaning blinds. That works pretty well and quickly as well. For following that method you need to get fabric sponges. You will find them easily at any of the stores.
Moving to the steps, get a vacuum cleaner, and vacuum all the extra dust and dirt first. Vacuum dust as much as you can. Then take a bucket, mix detergent with warm water, dip the fabric sponge into the mixture and start rubbing the fabric blinds with the sponge.
After a few rubs, you will find your blinds all clean again. Dry the blinds with any kind of fan but do not open the windows as wet blinds will attract dust.
Way-4: Vinegar Will Go A Long Way In Cleaning
You may wonder why haven’t we mentioned vinegar yet! Well, vinegar does work while you have fabric blinds. Just spray the mixture of ¼ cup of vinegar and half a cup of water on the fabric blinds.
Again let that sit and rub with a cloth dipped in soap water. Properly clean the blinds and lastly let them dry as soon as possible. Use a hairdryer if you want.
Way-5: Warm Water And Soap Saves The Fabric Blinds
If you got blinds made of fabric then get a spray bottle, and place a mixture of warm water and the dish soap inside that. Spray the mixture on your blinds and let that sit for a while. Lastly, wipe those with a wet cloth and let the blinds dry. Do not open the windows, if specks of dust come from outside it will ruin the clean-up.
You can just use your ceiling fan for making the blinds dry. If you open the windows then the wet blinds will attract more and more dirt. You can use a hairdryer as well. That would be better.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the best way to clean blinds without taking them down?
Dish soap undoubtedly! Dish soap is capable of cleaning your blinds properly without giving you any hassle of taking them down. All you have to do is make a mixture of water and liquid dish soap. Dip a cloth into the mixture and clean your blinds with a cloth. In the case of fabric blinds, spray the mixture instead of rubbing or wiping.
Can I use water to get rid of the dirt on my blinds?
Depending on the type of your blinds the answer can be varied from yes to no. If you got blinds made of aluminum or vinyl or faux wood or then you can use water following the steps of different methods of cleaning your window blinds. But if you got blinds made with wood then the answer will be no.
Is using vinegar for cleaning blinds effective?
Obviously with the fabric ones. Fabric ones can be cleaned by spraying them on the blinds. But rubbing the other ones with a cloth dipped in vinegar isn’t quite a good decision. Replace vinegar with rubbing alcohol, that would be more effective.
Is it impossible to clean blinds without taking them down?
Absolutely not. The blinds of our windows get dirty very fast and we have no way of stopping them from getting dirty. So it’s difficult to take them down regularly and clean them. You can just spray some cleaner or wipe them without taking them down. That would be easier.
How can I clean my wood blinds?
Since it’s not possible to clean the wood blinds with water. So we have to find a way that doesn’t involve water in the steps. Positively, there’s a way of cleaning wood blinds and that is vacuuming. You can wipe the blinds using cleaners specified for wood blinds after vacuuming as well to get a finer result.
Bottom Line
You can clean curtains so easily but blinds can create a lot of hassles. They can’t just be put in the washing machine and can’t be expected to come out all clean and shiny. On top of that, removing the blinds from your window and reattaching those is another tough job to do.
So as we shared the best way to clean blinds without taking them down, hopefully, now you can leave a sigh of relief. You may think that would be a difficult issue to clean the blinds without taking them off but honestly, the methods we mentioned above are easier than you can ever imagine.
Try the first method as we always stick to it and get the perfect result. Otherwise, depending on the type of blind, you can also switch to other mentioned methods. Good luck!
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